Ruud Voesten

artist / composer

When Covid-19 hit in March 2020, Rotterdam based bandleader and composer Ruud Voesten (1987) took the mandatory free time to dive into one of the world’s most famous literary works from the Dark Ages:
Dante Alighieri’s Inferno.
In this first part of the Divine Comedy, which is very critical on society, Dante researches his own humanity, his society and his position therein by descending through the ten rings of hell and confronting the seven capital sins.
With Inferno as his guide and the lockdown as a catalyst, Ruud reviewed his own personal connection to the capital sins. Reflecting on theme’s like lust, anger and betrayal brought him a wide range of connections, motives and emotions which he put to music.

September 2023 Ruud’s debut record ‘Ambrosia’ will be released on ZenneZ Records, full of music which encompasses a wide emotional range combined with fierce improvisation.

  • I’m at jazzahead! to meet bookers, venues and other partners to extend my network and bring the music of Ambrosia to the international stage.
